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IPN Writing Centre

An important aspect of philosophers’ work is writing and publishing. It is also one of the areas that doctoral scholars and young researchers often find the hardest and have the least support for. IPN Writing Centre aims to address this gap through Writing Mentorship and Writing Rooms.

Writing Mentorship

This initiative is aimed at supporting researchers who would like to receive the guidance and feedback of peers on drafts of their written work (such as a research article or a thesis chapter). While many of us get feedback on our written work from our supervisors, advisory committee members and other senior faculty, it might be useful to have peers read and comment on them. For one, this provides a less ‘formal’ and freer environment, where Ph.D. scholars and others may feel more comfortable discussing their concerns and asking for feedback.


How it works

  • Interested people, who would like to have their work reviewed, will have to register and indicate the area in which their written work is situated.

  • Based on the area of their work, each registrant will be assigned a mentor by the IPN coordinators. This would take approximately 1-2 weeks.

  • The registrant will be introduced to the mentor, and can share their work with them.The mentor will read the registrant’s work and provide them written feedback within 3 weeks. Depending on the preference of the mentor and the registrant, they may want to meet and discuss the feedback and comments.

  • The first round of feedback will be coordinated by the IPN coordinator. The registrant and mentor can have further rounds of discussion and feedback based on their requirement and preference.


Who can apply: Philosophers in India (Ph.D. scholars and above) can apply. Even M.A. scholars who wish to work towards publication of their papers can also apply. Membership of IPN is not necessary.


How to apply: Those who would like to receive feedback on their work, please register here.

Coordinators:  Siddharth S (siddharth.nias[at] and Varun Bhatta (varunsbhatta[at]


IPN Writing Rooms

This initiative aims at creating virtual meeting rooms for researchers who wish to write on a regular basis but haven't been able to execute it properly. IPN Writing Rooms will provide a shared space and would be of particular interest to those who like to have company while they are writing.


Who can apply: Philosophers in India (Ph.D. scholars and above) can apply. Membership of IPN is not necessary.


How to apply: Interested candidates, please register here.

Coordinators:  Jinesh Sheth (jineshrsheth13[at] and Siddharth S (siddharth.nias[at]


2019-2025. Contact: indianphilosophynetwork[at]gmail[dot]com

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